Adjustable pointer controller with voltage thresholds...
Adjusting the volume by a keyboard via an independent...
Advanced fan control and identification system and method
Advanced input/output interface for an integrated circuit...
Advanced logic system
Advanced power management in generic USB drivers
Advanced processor with scheme for optimal packet flow in a...
Alignment of instructions and replies across multiple...
Alignment of instructions and replies across multiple...
All-in-one personal computer with external video input
Allocation of input/output bus address space to native...
Allowing slots belonging to a second slot category to...
Alphanumeric keyboard input system using a game controller
Alternate home subscriber server (HSS) node to receive a...
Alternate Register Mapping
Alternate selection of virtual data buffer pathways
Alternative implementation of vendor unique commands
AMBA slave modular bus interfaces
Amplifier connected to and identifying plurality of content...
Analog and digital audio auto sense