Multi-zone illuminator for rapid thermal processing
Multi-zone illuminator with embedded process control sensors
Multi-zone lamp interference correction system
Multizone illuminator for rapid thermal processing with improved
Multizone illuminator for rapid thermal processing with improved
Non-contact heater and method for non-contact heating of a...
Operation of halogen lamp for curing of material
Optical heating device for rapid thermal processing (RTP) system
Optical processing furnace with quartz muffle and diffuser plate
Optical processing furnace with quartz muffle and diffuser plate
Outdoor heater
Oven for semiconductor wafer
Paint baking oven having a bring-up zone utilizing short and med
Panel heater for animal use
Panel made of a highly insulated electrothermal fabric
Panel-type heating element and method for the manufacture...
Pedestal heat transfer and temperature control
Photoirradiation thermal processing apparatus and thermal...
Photothermic desoldering unit
Pinhole defect repair by resist flow