Method and apparatus to monitor electrical states at a...
Method and apparatus to reduce ozone production in ion wind...
Method and apparatus using electron cyclotron heated plasma for
Method and device for attenuating harmonics in semiconductor...
Method and device for control of great currents particularly of
Method and device for exciting a plasma using microwaves at the
Method and device for producing plasma with electrodes...
Method and device for removing harmonics in semiconductor...
Method and structure to segment RF coupling to silicon...
Method and system for discretely controllable plasma processing
Method and system for energy conversion using a...
Method for charge neutralization of surface in space with space-
Method for controlling etch uniformity
Method for controlling plasma-generating high frequency...
Method for forming magnetic fields
Method for generating a short-pulsed microwave and an...
Method for generating a train of fast electrical pulses and...
Method for generating and maintaining a glow plasma discharge
Method for generating gas plasma
Method for generating surface plasma