Surface sanitizer for the food industry based on three new...
Surrogate tolerogenesis for the development of tolerance to xeno
Sustainable cell line for the production of the Marek's disease
Sustainable chick cell line infected with marek's disease virus
Sustained release microbial insect control composition and...
Swine atropic rhinitis vaccine
Swine dysentery subunit vaccine and method
Swine dysentery vaccine
Symbiotic fungus
Synergistic acaricide compositions
Synergistic bioinoculant composition comprising bacterial...
Synthesis of immunologic, therapeutic and prophylactic compounds
Synthetic chollera vaccine
System for the control of enteropathogenic bacteria in the...
System for the control of enteropathogenic bacteria in the...
Systemic gene delivery vehicles for the treatment of tumors
Systemic gene treatment of connective tissue diseases with IRAP-
Systemic non-nodular endosymbiotic nitrogen fixation in plants
Systems and methods for making hepatocytes from extrahepatic...
Systems and methods related to degradation of uremic toxins