S-matrix technique for circuit simulation
SAT-based image computation with application in reachability...
Satellite simulator
Satellite simulator development tool
Satisfiability (SAT) based bounded model checkers
Scalable reconfigurable prototyping system and method
Scalable reconfigurable prototyping system and method
Scalable system for simulation and emulation of electronic...
Scan interface with TDM feature for permitting signal overlay
Scannable circuits, systems, and methods implementing...
Scatterometry multi-structure shape definition with...
Scheduling non-integral simulation time for mixed-signal...
Schematic generation
Scheme for improving the simulation accuracy of integrated...
Scoring mechanism for automatically generated test programs
Screw fastening part analysis model creation method,...
Screw tightening designing method and screw tightening...
Scrolling of database information
SCSI device emulation in user space facilitating storage...
Sector meshing and neighbor searching for object interaction...