Gem-diamino derivatives and their use in the synthesis of retro-
Gene and method for production of an IgA binding protein
Gene and methods for diagnosing neuropsychiatric disorders...
Gene causative of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome and gene product
Gene coded for a polypeptide which enhances virus infection of h
Gene differentially expressed in breast and bladder cancer,...
Gene encoding a DNA repair enzyme and methods of use thereof
Gene encoding a polypeptide having pre-B cell...
Gene encoding a putative efflux protein for...
Gene encoding brain-specific membrane protein
Gene encoding labyrinthin, a marker for cancer
Gene encoding malic enzyme and method for preparing succinic...
Gene expressed in prostate cancer
Gene expressed in prostate cancer, methods and use thereof
Gene expressing VPT protein and vectors expressing this protein
Gene family associated with neurosensory defects
Gene family with transformation modulating activity
Gene for a growth factor and its cDNA and protein
Gene overexpressed in cancer
Gene product over expressed in cancer cells