Photoprotein with improved bioluminescence
Phragmoplastin and methods of examining cell plate development
Physalia fluorescent proteins
Physilogically active glycoprotein and process for production th
Physiologically active complex
Physiologically active glycoprotein and process for production t
Physiologically active peptide
Physiologically active peptide and its use
Phytase-protein-pigmenting concentrate derived from green plant
PIAS molecules that recognize and bind STAT proteins and...
Picornaviruses, vaccines and diagnostic kits
PIGR-1, a member of immunoglobulin gene superfamily
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP)...
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP)...
Placenta derived apoptotic factor
Placenta-derived coagulation inhibitor
Placental organic anion transporter
Placental-derived prostate growth factors
Plant defensin polynucleotides and methods of use thereof
Plant genes for sensitivity to ethylene and pathogens