Secretion, transcription and sporulation genes in Bacillus...
Secretion, transcription and sporulation genes in Bacillus...
Secretion, transcription and sporulation genes in Bacillus...
Secretion, transcription and sporulation genes in Bacillus...
Secretion-monitoring article
Secretion-monitoring article
Secretion-monitoring article
Secretions of proteins by encapsulated cells
Secretory expression in eukaryotes
Secretory immunoglobulin produced by single cells and...
Secretory signal selection vectors for extracellular protein syn
Secretory signal selection vectors for extracellular protein syn
Securin is required for chromosomal stability in human cells
Securin is required for chromosomal stability in human cells
Sedimentation filtration microorganism growth culture system
Seed storage protein with nutritionally balanced amino acid comp
Seed-specific promoter from the rice glutelin GluB-1 gene...
Seed-specific transcriptional regulation
Segregated folding determinants for small disulfide-rich peptide
Sel-10 and uses thereof