Synthetic transcriptional modulators and uses thereof
Synthetic transmembrane components
Synthetic TRNAS
Synthetic unrandomization of oligomer fragments
Synthetic urogastrone gene, corresponding plasmid recombinants,
Synthetic virus-like particles with heterologous epitopes
Synthetic yeast leader peptides
Synthetic, plasma-free, transfusible storage medium for red bloo
Synthetic-based platelet storage media
System and apparatus for automatically transferring media
System and apparatus for nucleic acid sequencing of single...
System and method for a parallel immunoassay system
System and method for analyzing antibiotic susceptibility of...
System and method for applying reduced pressure to cell culture
System and method for automatically processing tissue samples
System and method for automatically processing tissue samples
System and method for capturing and destroying HAP/VOC substance
System and method for cleaning contaminated matter...
System and method for cultivating cells
System and method for culturing algae