Hapten-carrier conjugates for treating and preventing...
Hapten-labelled peptides
Hapten-protein conjugates and methods of use in immunoassays
Hapten-protein conjugates and the use therof
Haptens, immunogens and antibodies to oxycodone and its...
Haptens, tracers, immunogens and antibodies for carbazole and di
Haptoglobin assay
Hard macro array
Harvesting material from micro-culture plates
HAS2 splicing variant HOEFC11: a target in chronic renal failure
HAV probes for use in solution phase sandwich hybridization and
Haze-free cyclodextrins
Hbc expression and diagnostic and therapeutic uses
HBM variants that modulate bone mass and lipid levels
HBV capture and amplifiers probes for use in solution phase sand
HBV polymerase processes for preparation and uses for screening
HBV polymerase, RNase H enzyme derived from HBV polymerase, proc
HBV variants detection and application
HBV vectors and cells for producing the same
HBV/HCV virus-like particle