Biphasic shuttle vectors
BirA from staphylococcus aureus
Birch pollen allergen P14 for diagnosis and therapy of allergic
Bis-maleimido cross-linking agents
Bispecific antibody and chemokine receptor constructs
Bispecific antibody determinants
Bispecific antibody determinants
Bispecific antibody heterodimers
Bispecific molecules recognizing lymphocyte antigen CD2 and tumo
Bistable genetic toggle switch
Bisulfite conversion of DNA
Bisulfite method
Bisulfite-based tissue fixative
Bitter taste receptors
Bivalent binding molecules of 7 transmembrane G...
BK beta subunits of Slo family potassium channels
BK beta subunits of Slo family potassium channels
BK beta subunits of Slo family potassium channels
Black creek canal hantavirus and related methods