Recombinant methods for expressing a functional sweet...
Recombinant methods for expressing a functional umami...
Recombinant methods for production of serine inhibitors and DNA
Recombinant methods for production of serine protease inhibitors
Recombinant methods of making gamma interferon compositions
Recombinant modified adenovirus fiber protein
Recombinant myelomonocytic differentiation antigen CD14
Recombinant negative strand RNA virus expression systems
Recombinant negative strand RNA virus expression-systems
Recombinant nerve growth factor
Recombinant obese (ob) proteins
Recombinant peptide
Recombinant peptide production using a cross-linkable...
Recombinant PilC proteins, methods for producing them and...
Recombinant plasmid pDSBCm, microorganisms transformed...
Recombinant pneumocystis carinii aminoacyl tRNA synthetase genes
Recombinant polynucleotides encoding a slit polypeptide
Recombinant polypeptides for diagnosing infection with...
Recombinant poxvirus host range selection system
Recombinant poxvirus host range selection system