Angle cavity resonant photodetector
Anti-blooming storage pixel
Anti-reflective device having an anti-reflective surface...
Anti-stiction technique for electromechanical systems and...
Anti-stiction technique for electromechanical systems and...
Anti-stiction technique for thin film and wafer-bonded...
Aperture for an exposure apparatus for forming a fine...
Apparatus and method for reducing interference
Apparatus and method of manufacturing solar cells
Apparatus and methods for encapsulating...
Apparatus and methods for encapsulating...
Apparatus and processes for the massproduction of...
Apparatus for growing mixed compound semiconductor and...
Arrangement for measuring pressure on a semiconductor wafer...
Arrangements of microscopic particles for performing logic...
Assembling two substrates by molecular adhesion
Asymmetrical reset transistor with double-diffused source...
Atomic force microscope cantilever including field effect...
Atomic force microscope cantilever including field effect...
Automated RFID transponder manufacturing on flexible tape substr