t-butyl cinnamate polymers and their use in photoresist...
Tailoring of linewidth through electron beam post exposure
Tamper-responding encapsulated enclosure having flexible...
Tantalum adhesion layer and reactive-ion-etch process for provid
Tapered edge bead removal process for immersion lithography
TARC material for immersion watermark reduction
Technique for enhancing accuracy of critical dimensions of a...
Technique for making deep microstructures in photoresist
Technique for the size reduction of vias and other images in...
Technique of exposing a resist using electron beams having...
Techniques for manufacturing a waveguide with a...
Techniques for uniformizing photoresist thickness and critical d
Tellurium imaging composition
Tellurium imaging composition
Template for room temperature, low pressure micro-and...
Temporary bridge for micro machined structures
Ternary photoinitiator system for addition polymerization
Ternary photoinitiator system for addition polymerization
Terpene ether developing solvent for photopolymerizable...
Terpolymer for amplified resist