Optical waveguide device fabricating method
Optical waveguide manufacturing method
Optical waveguide photosensitization
Optical wavelength converting device and process for...
Organic-electroluminescence device, process for its...
Papermaking belt and method of making the same using a textured
Papermaking belt and method of making the same using differentia
Papermaking belt and method of making the same using differentia
Partially or fully recessed microlens fabrication
Partitioned microelectronic device array
Pattern forming method
Pattern transfer techniques for fabrication of lenslet arrays fo
Pattern transfer techniques for fabrication of lenslet arrays fo
Pattern transfer techniques for fabrication of lenslet arrays us
Patterned photoresist structures having features with high...
Patterning longitudinal magnetic recording media with ion...
Patterning of dielectric with added layers of materials...
Patterning of semiconductive polymers
Patterning process for bipolar optical storage medium
Pedestal-type microlens fabrication process