Horizontal surface plasmon resonance instrument with...
Horizontal surface plasmon resonance sensor apparatus
Horizontal-post/vertical-flexure arrangement for supporting larg
Hot kiln alignment system
Household vessel containing a radiometer within vessels structur
Housing and support assembly for ring laser gyroscope
Housing for a flow cytometry apparatus with particle unclogging
Housing for an optical measurement device and method for...
Hub alignment
Human topography through photography
Human-readable, bi-state environmental sensors based on...
Human-readable, bi-state environmental sensors based on...
Humidification and cloud chamber block for particle concentratio
Hybrid confocal microscopy
Hybrid curvature-tilt wave front sensor
Hybrid fiber optic sensor including a lead out optical fiber hav
Hybrid holographic non-destructive test system
Hybrid lens apparatus used for shearographic analysis
Hybrid optical correlator/digital processor for target...
Hybrid optical junction and its use in a loop interferometer