Fabricating interferometers having reduced misalignment problems
Fabry Perot/fiber Bragg grating multi-wavelength reference
Fabry-perot fiber bragg grating multi-wavelength reference
Fabry-perot interferometer
Fabry-perot pressure sensing system with ratioed quadrature puls
Fabry-Perot scanning and nutating imaging coherent radiometer
Fabry-Perot spectrometer for detecting a spatially varying spect
Fertility analyzer
Fiber Bragg grating interrogation system with adaptive calibrati
Fiber depolarizer using heated fiber coil and fusion splicer and
Fiber fourier spectrometer
Fiber grating-based detection system for wavelength encoded fibe
Fiber grating-based sensing system with interferometric waveleng
Fiber optic accelerometer sensor and a method of constructing sa
Fiber optic accelerometer with centrally supported flexural disk
Fiber optic acoustic sensor array based on Sagnac interferometer
Fiber optic apparatus and use thereof in combinatorial...
Fiber optic apparatus and use thereof in combinatorial...
Fiber optic apparatus for detecting light scatter to...
Fiber optic apparatus for detecting light scatter to...