Process and device for measuring the complex spectrum (amplitude
Process monitor
Real time high speed high resolution hyper-spectral imaging
Reference fringe counting fourier transform spectroscopy
Restoration of Fizeau FTS spectral data using low and/or...
Robust wavelength locker for control of laser wavelength
Sagnac fourier transform spectrometer having improved...
Sagnac fourier transform spectrometer having improved...
Sampling spectrophotometer comprising an interferometer
Scanning double-beam interferometer
Scanning IR microscope
Scatterometry by phase sensitive reflectometer
Scatterometry by phase sensitive reflectometer
Self-calibrating measuring setup for interference spectroscopy
Signal modulation compensation for wavelength meter
Single-etalon, multi-point wavelength calibration reference
Spatial heterodyne wide-field Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman...
Spectral bandwidth metrology for high repetition rate gas...
Spectral bandwidth metrology for high repetition rate gas...
Spectral image input device