Liquid analysis with internal reflection spectroscopy
Liquid crystal modulator and polarization diversity optics...
Lithographic apparatus for step-and-scan imaging of mask pattern
Lithographic lens wavefront and distortion tester
Littrow spectrometer and a spectral domain optical coherence...
Loadmeter employing birefringence to measure mechanical loads an
Locally enhanced raman spectroscopy with an atomic force...
Lock-in control system for spring suspended ring laser gyroscope
Lock-in rate discriminate apparatus for ring laser angular rate
Longitudinally or transversely heated tubular atomizing furnace
Loop controller for fiber optic gyro with distributed data proce
Loop controller for multiplexed triaxial gyro
Low aberration diffraction grating system
Low cost ring laser angular rate sensor including thin fiber gla
Low insertion loss optical monochromator
Low noise fiber gyroscope system which includes excess noise sub
Low noise light source for forensic examination
Low noise optical system
Low noise Raman analyzer system
Low pressure discharge tube and atomic absorption spectrophotome