Highly configurable PLL architecture for programmable logic
Highly configurable PLL architecture for programmable logic
Highly effective charge pump employing NMOS transistors
Highly efficient driver circuit for a solid state switch
Highly linear and low noise figure mixer
Highly linear programmable transconductor with large...
Highly reliable and zero static current start-up circuits
Highly reliable and zero static current start-up circuits
Highly scalable methods and apparatus for multiplexing signals
Highly selective filtering device and corresponding...
Highly symmetrical bi-direction current sources
Highly-linear continuous-time filter for a 3-volt supply with PL
History-based slew rate control to reduce intersymbol...
Hold circuit
Hold time margin increased semiconductor device and access time
Hold-type latch circuit with increased margin in the feedback ti
Horizontal oscillation circuit capable of changing frequency
Horizontal synchronizing signal generating circuit
Horizontal synchronous circuits
Hot carrier injection suppression circuit