Heat treatment by plasma electron heating and solid/gas jet cool
Heat treatment devices and method of operation thereof to...
Heat treatment for 9Ni-4Co-0.30C type steels
Heat treatment for aluminum casting alloys to produce high stren
Heat treatment for aluminum-lithium based metal matrix composite
Heat treatment for ball bearing steel to improve resistance to r
Heat treatment for cold worked nitinol to impart a shape...
Heat treatment for dispersion strengthened aluminum-base alloy
Heat treatment for high chromium high carbon stainless steel
Heat treatment for improved properties of alpha-beta...
Heat treatment for improving fatigue properties of superalloy ar
Heat treatment for improving the toughness of high manganese ste
Heat treatment for manufacturing spring steel excellent in high-
Heat treatment for martensite cured alloys
Heat treatment for minimizing crazing of hot-dip aluminum coatin
Heat treatment for nickel-base alloys
Heat treatment for nickel-base superalloys
Heat treatment for superalloy
Heat treatment giving a stable high temperature micro-structure
Heat treatment method