Edible colorant
Edible material containing mushrooms
Edible protein substances composed of fungal mycellium
Edible vegetable fat-composition
Efficient process of obtaining high contents of...
Egg pasteurization
Egg yolk-containing, reduced-cholesterol, oil-in-water...
Elimination of flatulent sugars from soy
Elimination of rancid odor in fermented milk products
Emulsifiers for baked goods
Encapsulated/air-free crushing and mash production
Enhancement of industrial enzymes
Enhancement of lactobacillus acidophilus growth and viability in
Ensilaging agent for fodder plants
Ensiling agent for fodder plants and a method of fermentating fo
Ensiling composition
Ensiling of green fodder with hexamethylene tetramine and sodium
Enzymatic clarification of liquids
Enzymatic clarification of tea extracts
Enzymatic deamidation of food proteins for improved food use