Output driver in semiconductor device
Output driver with current compensation circuit for...
Output driver with level shifting and voltage protection
Output drivers for integrated-circuit chips with VCCQ supply...
Output drivers having adjustable swing widths during test...
Output driving circuit
Output ESD protection using dynamic-floating-gate arrangement
Output impedance circuit and output buffer circuit including...
Output or bidirectional buffer circuit which tolerates an...
Output pad circuit using control signal
Output signal circuit capable of automatically detecting...
Output slew rate control
Output slew rate control for a differential transmission...
Output stage for a memory device and for low voltage...
Output stage with self calibrating slew rate control
Output swing clamp for USB differential buffer
Over-voltage tolerant bus hold circuit and method therefor
Over-voltage tolerant input buffer having hot-plug capability
Over-voltage tolerant multifunction input stage
Over-voltage tolerant multifunction input stage