X-ray tube anode drive speed monitor including flux pickup coil
X-Y spinstand platform with flexure-coupled platen
XY stage, head carriage and tester of magnetic head or...
Yield strength determination of ferromagnetic materials
Z gradient shielding coil for canceling eddy currents
Z-axis interconnect for discrete die burn-in for nonpackaged die
Z-axis magnetic field gradient coil structure for magnetic reson
Zero connection for on-chip testing
Zero crossing detection and electronic compensation of D. C. sat
Zero current detector for a DC-DC converter
Zero current sensor
Zero gravity simulator for testing battery cells
Zero impedance switch
Zero insertion force test/burn-in socket
Zero motion contact actuation
Zero phase voltage measuring device
Zero power dissipation laser fuse signature circuit for redundan
Zero quantum NMR imaging and spectroscopy in a low homogeneity m
Zero static force assembly for wireless test fixtures
Zero voltage crossover detector for polyphase systems