Non-overlapping clock CMOS circuit with two threshold voltages
Non-overlapping clock generator
Non-overlapping switch drive in push-pull transistor circuit
Non-overlapping two-phase clock generator utilizing floating inv
Non-reflecting transmission line termination
Non-restricted level shifter
Non-retriggerable one-shot circuit
Non-saturating temperature independent voltage output driver wit
Non-saturating tri-state driver circuit
Non-stacked ECL type and function
Non-volatile charge storage elements and an information storage
Non-volatile semiconductor memory device
Noncontact electronic switching arrangement
Nondestructive charge sensing in a charge coupled device
Nonhysteretic Josephson junction circuits with feedback
Noninteractive heater power supply
Noninverting amplifier circuit for one propagation delay complex
Noninverting Bi-CMOS gates with propagation delays of a single B
Noninverting current-mode logic gate
Nonlinear optical article with improved buffer layer