Large multiplier for programmable logic device
Large-scale multiplication with addition operation method and sy
Latching electronic circuit for random number generation
Lattice structure for IIR and FIR filters with automatic...
Layout structure for barrel shifter with decode circuit
Leading bit prediction with in-parallel correction
Leading one prediction unit for normalizing close path subtracti
Leading Zero Anticipatory (LZA) algorithm and logic for high...
Leading zero/one anticipator for floating point
Leading zero/one anticipator having an integrated sign selector
Leading-zero anticipator having an independent sign bit...
Lempel- Ziv data compression technique utilizing a dictionary pr
Lempel-Ziv data compression technique utilizing a dictionary...
Limit-cycle oscillation suppression method, system, and...
Limit-cycle-absent allpass filter lattice structure
Linear function generator method with counter for implementation
Linear interpolation operator
Linear intrasummed multiple-bit feedback shift register
Linear phase FIR sinc filter with multiplexing
Linear summation multiplier array implementation for both...