Floating-point multiplier for de-normalized inputs
Floating-point number arithmetic circuit for handling...
Floating-point processing unit for successive floating-point...
Floating-point processor with improved intermediate result...
Floating-point processor with operating mode having improved...
FOD (first-one-detector) circuit
Foldable personal computer with detachable cover section
Formatting denormal numbers for processing in a pipelined...
Formatting denormal numbers for processing in a pipelined...
Forward shifting of processor element processing for load...
Fourier analysis method and apparatus calculating the...
Fourier transform apparatus
FPGA implemented bit-serial multiplier and infinite impulse...
FPGA implemented bit-serial multiplier and infinite impulse...
Fraction display apparatus
Fractional fourier transform convolver arrangement
Fractional precision integer square root processor and method fo
Fractional, arithmetic unit, fractional arithmetic method,...
Frequency converter
Frequency converter and methods of use thereof