Auxiliary register file accessing technique
Auxiliary storage controlling method and auxiliary storage contr
Auxiliary storage slot scavenger
Auxiliary translation lookaside buffer for assisting in accessin
Avoidance of cache synonyms
Avoiding cache collisions between frequently accessed, pinned ro
Avoiding cache line sharing in virtual machines
Avoiding copy on first write
Avoiding deadlock between storage assignments by devices in...
Avoiding deadlocks in a multiprocessor system
Avoiding failure of an initial program load in a logical...
Avoiding failure of an initial program load in a logical...
Avoiding inconsistencies between multiple translators in an...
Avoiding livelock using a cache manager in multiple core...
Avoiding locks by transactionally executing critical sections
Avoiding locks by transactionally executing critical sections
Avoiding mapping conflicts in a translation look-aside buffer
Avoiding tag compares during writes in multi-level cache...
Avoiding use of an inter-unit network in a storage system...