Error protection for lookup operations in...
Error protection for lookup operations performed on ternary...
Error-correcting content addressable memory
Establishing command order in an out of order DMA command queue
Estimating the size of an in-memory cache
Evaluation and optimization of code
Event data protection method for a flash programmable...
Eviction override for larx-reserved addresses
Exactly once cache framework
Excessive spin detection and avoidance for systems using a...
Exchanging operation parameters between a data storage...
Excluding a toggle bit from the range of cacheable addresses...
Excluding a toggle bit from the range of cacheable addresses...
Exclusive caching in computer systems
Exclusive control method with each node controlling issue of an
Exclusive lease instruction support for transient blocking...
Exclusive ownership snoop filter
Exclusive status tags
Executing background writes to idle DIMMs
Executing background writes to idle DIMMs