Method and apparatus for generating pulses from analog...
Method and apparatus for high-speed quantization using...
Method and apparatus for switching currents into the summing nod
Method and system for a glitch-free differential current...
Method and system for quantizing an input signal
Method for forming Josephson junction, Josephson junction...
Method for implementation of a low noise, high accuracy...
Methods and apparatus to control current steering digital to...
Microwave multiplying D/A converter
MOS transistor threshold compensation circuit
Multi-channel digital-to-analog converters comprising with a plu
Multi-dimensional deglitch filter for high speed digital...
Multiple current digital-analog converter capable of reducing ou
Multiplying digital-to-analog converter
Multiplying digital-to-analogue converter
Non-linear bulk capacitance bootstrapped current switch
Nonhysteretic periodic-threshold SQUID comparator and A/D conver
Operational amplifier with offset compensation function
Parallel A/D converter having comparator threshold voltages defi
Parallel analog to digital converter