Sample and hold circuit for a current mode pipelined...
Self calibrating current mirror and digital to analog converter
Self-biasing, low voltage, multiplying DAC
Self-latching analog-to-digital converter using resonant tunneli
Self-timing analog-to-digital converting system
Semiconductor circuit
Semiconductor integrated circuit
Signal converters with multiple gate devices
Signal processing circuit
Skewless differential switch and DAC employing the same
Skewless differential switch and DAC employing the same
Spur-free sigma-delta modulator and multiple flux quanta feedbac
Sub-flux quantum generator
Subranging technique using superconducting technology
Successive approximation A/D converter comparing analog...
Successive approximation A/D converter correcting for charge inj
Superconducting A/D converter
Superconducting analog to digital converter
Superconducting analog to digital converter type circuit
Superconducting analog-to-digital converter