Synthesis of peptide analogues
Synthesis of peptides
Synthesis of peptides
Synthesis of perfluoropyruvyl fluoride dimer
Synthesis of phenoxyanthraquinones
Synthesis of photochromic indolinespiropyrans
Synthesis of polyformals
Synthesis of polyol bis(allyl carbonate) utilizing reagent recov
Synthesis of prenyl chloride
Synthesis of prostaglandin precursors
Synthesis of prostaglandins of the "one"-series
Synthesis of pure 3,3'-diaminobenzidine
Synthesis of purine nucleosides
Synthesis of quinone pyrano-gamma-lactone antibiotics and antifu
Synthesis of racemic 2-deutero-3-fluoro-alanine and its salts
Synthesis of squaric acid
Synthesis of SRS-active compounds
Synthesis of stannic tetra mercaptides
Synthesis of steganacin and derivatives thereof
Synthesis of steroids