Oxidoreductase from pichia capsulata
Oxidoreductase from filamentous fungi, DNA coding therefor and c
Oxirane resins for enzyme immobilization
OxlT sequence and its use
Oxydecahydronaphthalene modulators of HM74
Oxygen absorber for culturing anaerobic bacteria
Oxygen permeable membrane in fermenter for oxygen enrichment of
Oxygen regulatable gene expression
Oxygen scavenging system for anaerobiosis
Oxygen scavenging with enzymes
Oxygen sensing and hypoxic selection for tumors
Oxygen tension for the parthenogenic activation of human...
Oxygen-assisted fermentation process
Oxygen-binding heme proteins incorporating...
Oxygen-dependent fermentation of microorganisms
Oxygen-transporting albumin-based blood replacement composition
Oxygenase enzymes and screening method
Oxygenase expressing microorganism strain JM1 (FERM BP-5352) for
Oxytocin receptor and DNA coding therefor
Oxytocin receptor and DNA coding therefor