Method, reagents and kit for diagnosis and targeted screening fo
Method, reagents and kits for the detection of Neisseria gonorrh
Method, system and reagents for DNA sequencing
Methods and apparatus for analyzing polynucleotide sequences...
Methods and apparatus for direct heating of biological material
Methods and apparatus for performing submicroliter reactions...
Methods and apparatus for template capture and normalization...
Methods and compositions for analyzing AHASL genes
Methods and compositions for cDNA synthesis
Methods and compositions for clonal amplification of nucleic...
Methods and compositions for cloning nucleic acid molecules
Methods and compositions for detecting target sequences
Methods and compositions for directed gene assembly
Methods and compositions for full-length cDNA Cloning using a te
Methods and compositions for generating full-length cDNA having
Methods and compositions for generation of multiple copies...
Methods and compositions for increasing production of erythromyc
Methods and compositions for KIR genotyping
Methods and compositions for labeling nucleic acids
Methods and compositions for linear isothermal amplification...