Ultrasensitive immunoassays
Ultrasensitive microtrace procedure for monitoring the origin of
Ultrasensitive single-step, solid-state competitive immunoassay
Ultrasonic enhanced immuno-reactions
Ultrasound-mediated high-speed biological reaction and...
Ultrasound-mediated high-speed biological reaction and...
Ultrasound-mediated high-speed biological reaction and...
Uncoupled collagen synthesis and degradation assays
Uncoupling of DNA insert propagation and expression of...
Uniform surfaces for hybrid material substrates and methods...
Unimolecular segment amplification and sequencing
Unimolecular segment amplification and sequencing
Unimolecular segment amplification and sequencing
Unique associated Kaposi's sarcoma virus sequences and uses ther
Unique associated Kaposi's sarcoma virus sequences and uses ther
Unique dendritic cell-associated C-type lectins, dectin-1...
Unique protein marker for bladder cancer
Unit for the detection of residues of antibacterial compounds in
Unitary sandwhich enzyme immunoassay cassette device and method
Unitary sandwich enzyme immunoassay cassette, device and method