Methods for ameliorating the adverse effects of aging
Methods for conferring multidrug resistance on a cell
Methods for cultivating cells and propagating viruses
Methods for cultivating cells and propagating viruses
Methods for culture and production of single cell...
Methods for culturing mammalian taste cells
Methods for delivering biologically active molecules into cells
Methods for detecting the differentiation status of cells...
Methods for determining susceptibility to lead poisoning
Methods for differentiating neural stem cells to glial cells usi
Methods for differentiating neural stem cells to neurons or smoo
Methods for enhanced virus-mediated DNA transfer using...
Methods for ex vivo propagation of adult hepatic stem cells
Methods for ex vivo propagation of somatic hair follicle...
Methods for ex vivo therapy using peptide-loaded antigen present
Methods for expanding antigen-specific T cells
Methods for expansion and analysis of cultured hematopoietic...
Methods for fixing cytological samples
Methods for generating cytotoxic T cells in vitro
Methods for generating tolerogenic antigen presenting cells