Saturation detector and warning circuit including clamp
Saturation handling
Saturation limit circuit for junction isolated PNP...
Scheme for improving settling behavior of gain boosted fully...
Second generation low noise microwave voltage controlled oscilla
Second harmonic terminations for high efficiency radio...
Segmented cascode HBT for microwave-frequency power amplifiers
Selectable gain amplifier
Selectable gain instrumentation amplifier
Selectable single mode or differential mode operation in a...
Selectable tuner preamplifier
Selective amplifier
Selective amplifier having common base connected transistor and
Selective differential low-noise amplifier
Selective differential low-noise amplifier
Selectively adding auxiliary frequency compensation...
Self adaptable bias circuit for enabling dynamic control of...
Self biased power amplifier employing FETs
Self biasing differential amplifier
Self compensating differential circuit