Agents to prevent polymer scale deposition and a method therefor
Apparatus for the production of polyadducts of alkylene...
Bulk polymerization of vinyl chloride
Catalytic film polymerization of acetylene
Coating polymerization reactors with oligomer coatings derived f
Coating solution for preventing adhesion of polymer scale and me
Continuous emulsion polymerization process
Cycloaliphatic acrylate compositions
Deposit suppressant composition for a polmerization reactor and
Deposit suppressant composition for the internal surfaces of a p
Device for the continuous process for the production of...
Equipment for handling spent-aqueous Ziegler type catalyst in th
Equipment for polymerization of vinyl chloride monomers and poly
Gas phase polymerization and distributor plate passivation...
Inhibiting scale in vinyl monomer polymerization
Inhibiting scale in vinyl monomer polymerization
Inhibition of discoloration of transesterification polymers with
Internally coated reaction vessel and process for coating the sa
Internally coated reaction vessel for use in olefinic polymeriza
Internally coated reaction vessel for use in olefinic polymeriza