Fast tuned phase locked loop frequency control system
Fractional frequency division frequency synthesizer having...
Fractional frequency synthesizer and phase locked loop...
Fractional N synthesizer
Fractional-N frequency synthesizer and method thereof
Frequency and phase lock loop with separated AFC and phase locki
Frequency and phase locked loop synthesizer
Frequency band select phase lock loop device
Frequency comparator and clock regenerating device using the...
Frequency comparator with hysteresis between locked and...
Frequency detection method for adjusting a clock signal...
Frequency detector and phase-locked loop circuit including...
Frequency detector circuits and systems
Frequency prepositioning for an indirect frequency synthesizer
Frequency standard generator
Frequency synthesizer allowing rapid frequency switching
Frequency synthesizer having a loop filter with a high cut-off f
Frequency synthesizer having a phase-locked loop structure for f
Frequency synthesizer having modulation deviation correction via
Frequency synthesizer having overtone crystal oscillator