Sampled phase locked loop being locked with support from another
Self-calibration device and method for calibrating phase...
Self-tunable phase lock loop
Semiconductor integrated circuit, method of designing the same a
Servo device for rapidly, and with low noise, locking the freque
Setting and dynamically adjusting VCO free-running frequency at
Signal generator utilizing a combined phase locked and frequency
Signal generator utilizing a combined phase locked and frequency
Slow acting phase-locked loop with external control signal
Stabilized frequency synthesizer
Steered frequency phase locked loop
Subharmonic optically injection locked oscillator
System and method for offsetting load switching transients in a
System and method for voltage controlled oscillator automatic ba
System and method for wide dynamic range clock recovery
System for advancing an electrical signal in phase under the con
Technique for switching between input clocks in a...
Temperature compensated PLL frequency synthesizer and high-speed
Temperature compensation of an oscillator by fractional cycle sy
Temporal pixel clock synchronization system