Diesters of naphthalene dicarboxylic acid
Diesters of naphthalene dicarboxylic acid
Diethers of m- or p-hydroxyphenol
Diethyl ester of di-glycyl fumaramide
Diethyloctandioldicarbamates and...
Diflunisal esters and related compounds
Difluoroglutamic acid conjugates with folates and anti-folates f
Difunctional IDBM and related compounds as novel dentin...
Difunctional products from ethylene oxide and synthesis gas
Dihalo-compound and process for producing vitamin A derivative
Dihalophenoxypropionic acids and their derivatives, and their us
Dihydroethanoanthracene derivatives
Dihydroxy carbamates containing sulphonic acid groups
Dihydroxynaphthalene derivatives
Diisocyanate, a process for its production and its use
Dimerizing acrylates to hexenedioates using ruthenium compound c
Dimethacrylate adducts of glycidyl methacrylate with diesters of
Dimethyl adipate from butadiene
Dimethyl-substituted cyclohexane diene derivatives
Diols and unsaturated monomers