UDP- N -acetylglucosamine: galactose-β1,3- N...
UDP-glucose aglycon-glucosytransferase
ULBP DNA and polypeptides
Ultra-lightweight, open-pore foamed cellulose materials with lar
Ultrafiltration of fermentation broth containing nucleosides to
Ultrarefined arabinogalactan product
Unique associated Kaposi's sarcoma virus sequences and...
Unique chromosomal sequence of Bacillus anthracis and...
Universal bases for nucleic acid analyses, methods for using...
Universal linker compositions for the release or transfer of...
Universal microarray system
Universal process for isolating and purifying nucleic acids from
Universal support for the synthesis of oligonucleotides
Universal support media for synthesis of oligomeric compounds
Universal supports for oligonucleotide synthesis
Universal supports for oligonucleotide synthesis
Universally useable tableting ingredients
Unnatural polymerase substrates that can sustain enzymatic...
Unsaturatd sugar compounds
Unsaturated carbohydrate derivatives polymers thereof and their