High aspect-ratio X-ray diffractive structure stabilization...
High contrast grating light valve
High contrast grating light valve type device
High contrast tilting ribbon blazed grating
High dispersion diffraction grating including multiple...
High dispersion diffraction grating including multiple...
High power laser beam sampler
High resolution imagery systems and methods
High-dispersion grisms
High-efficiency low-polarization-dependent-loss lamellar...
High-efficiency spectral purity filter for EUV lithography
Holographic diffuser
Holographic scanning
Holographic spectral filter
Homogenization of a spatially coherent radiation beam and...
Hybrid achromatic optical lens and method for manufacturing...
Hybrid achromatic optical lens and method for manufacturing...
Hybrid binary optics collimation fill optics
Hybrid diffractive/refractive lens
Hybrid lens with high numerical aperture