Fructan biosynthetic enzymes
Fructan biosynthetic enzymes
Fructan biosynthetic enzymes
Fructokinase genes and their use in metabolic engineering of fru
Fruit quality by inhibiting production of lipoxygenase in...
Fruit specific promoters
Fruit specific transcriptional factors
Fruit-specific and ripening-regulation expansin gene to...
Fruit-specific and ripening-regulation expansin genes to control
Fumonisin detoxification compositions and methods
Fumonisin detoxification compositions and methods
Fumonisin detoxification compositions and methods
Function-based small molecular weight compound screening...
Functional characterization of genes
Functional characterization of genes
Functional reconstitution of SCID-bo mice with bovine fetal hema
Fungal beta-glucuronidase genes and gene products
Fungal desaturases and related methods
Fungal gene encoding resistance to the phytotoxin cercosporin
Fungal resistant plants, process for obtaining fungal resistant