Iceberg lettuce PYB 1094
Identification and characterization of a novel alpha-amylase...
Identification of soybeans having resistance to...
Imbred corn line LH301
Imbred maize line PH36E
Immunization of fish with plant-expressed recombinant proteins
Immunization of fish with plant-expressed recombinant proteins
Impatiens plants and methods of reproduction
Impatiens plants and methods of reproduction
Implanting disease resistance to plants with viral replicase DNA
In-vitro system of micropropagation of rose scented...
Inbred broccoli line 194-6-2CMS
Inbred broccoli line BC-403
Inbred broccoli line BRM50-3905
Inbred broccoli line GKO-1
Inbred broccoli line GKO-1
Inbred broccoli line VBC-406
Inbred cantaloupe GdM3
Inbred cantaloupe line 442
Inbred carrot line S-D813B