Non-human transgenic mammals expressing an n-3 desaturase gene
Non-insulin-dependent diabetic rat
Non-Transgenic nonhuman model for Alzheimer's Disease...
Non-transgenic rodent model of alzheimer's disease
Non-traumatic model for neurogenic pain
Non-traumatic model for neurogenic pain
Nonhuman animal model non-responsive to mycoplasma-origin...
Nonhuman animal model non-responsive to mycoplasma-origin...
Nonhuman model animal lacking the ability to control...
Nonhuman model animal of Th2-mediated hyperimmune response
Novel hybrid corn plant
Novel potato cultivar
Nucleotide sequence encoding the enzyme I SceI and the use...
Nucleotide sequence encoding the enzyme I-SCEI and the uses...
Nucleotide sequences of lats genes
Nude mouse model for human neoplastic disease
Nude mouse model for human neoplastic disease
Nude mouse model for neoplastic disease
Nude mouse model for the growth and treatment of human...
Nutritional methyl supplements change DNA methylation and...