Magnetic digital signal coupler monitor
Mass or weight determination of arbitrarily-shaped dielectric ob
Material interface level sensing
Material segregation and density analyzing apparatus and method
Material segregation, density, and moisture analyzing...
Means and method for analyzing a petroleum stream
Means and method for analyzing a petroleum stream
Means and method for determining the conductance of a fluid
Measurement apparatus and method utilizing multiple resonant mod
Measurement arrangement
Measurement arrangement for determining the characteristic...
Measurement by concentration of a material within a structure
Measurement of angle rotation using microstrip resonators...
Measurement of gas and water content in oil
Measurement of point contact Andreev-reflection...
Measurement of the position of an elongated element
Measuring and controlling the thickness of a conductive coating
Measuring apparatus and method of a permittivity of a dielectric
Measuring apparatus, and detection device
Measuring device for rapid non-destructive measurement of...