64-bit open firmware implementation and associated api
Access-history indicating method and apparatus, resources...
Accounting method and logic for determining per-thread...
ACPI communication between virtual machine monitor and...
Active queue management with flow proportional buffering
Adaptive cooperative scheduling
Adaptive fast write cache for storage devices
Adaptive scheduling and management of work processing in a...
Adaptive scheduling of data delivery in a central server
Adaptive spin-then-block mutual exclusion in multi-threaded...
Adding tasks to queued or running dynamic jobs
Address level log-based synchronization of shared data
Administering the workload of a database system using feedback
Administering the workload of a database system using feedback
Affinitizing threads in a multiprocessor system
Affinity dispatching load balancer with precise CPU...
Allocating resources across multiple nodes in a hierarchical...
Allocating resources among tiered partitions of different types
Allocation of packets and threads
Allocation of potentially needed resources prior to complete...