Computer method and apparatus for interactive objects controls
Computer network of interactive multitasking computers for...
Computer operating process allocating tasks between first...
Computer process resource modelling method and apparatus
Computer resource management system
Computer resource proportional utilization and response time...
Computer system comprising a plurality of machines connected...
Computer system for automatically instantiating tasks...
Computer system having shared address space among multiple...
Computer system process scheduler determining and executing proc
Computer system process scheduler determining and executing...
Computer system where giving and receiving a data between...
Computer system with context switch and program development ther
Computer system, agent transmission method and agent...
Computer system, program product and method for tracking...
Computer-implemented task management system
Computing system which implements recording and playback of...
Concurrency control of state machines in a computer system using
Concurrent processing in object oriented parallel and near paral
Condition variable to synchronize high level communication betwe