Safe general purpose virtual machine computing system
Scalable audio processing on a heterogeneous processor array
Scheduler for a software system having means for allocating...
Scheduler reducing cache failures after check points in a...
Scheduling mechanism using predetermined limited execution time
Scheduling of direct memory access
Scheduling-based hardware-software co-synthesis of heterogeneous
Scoreboard for cached multi-thread processes
Script Engine interface for multiple languages
Secure decentralized object exporter
Secure token-based document server
Security aspects of computer resource repositories
Selecting communication link between client and server
Selecting communication link between client and server
Selectively dummying a data pipe transparent to a writer...
Semaphore in system I/O space
Separate code and data contexts: an architectural approach...
Server detection of client process termination
Service and event synchronous/asynchronous manager
Service executive apparatus having services and...